Fit Ideas

know what fits you

What is Success that Fits?

You mean, some successes don’t fit?

Yes, as there are many “successful” people who don’t fit the generation they belong in. And there are also successful people who fail where it really matters, like family or marital relationships. The success they have doesn’t fit where it matters. We should know what is success.

Heroes were mostly successful people who didn’t fit their time. Somebody didn’t like them enough to kill them. But today, they’re looked upon as heroes, even by their erstwhile enemies. Jesus, for instance, was killed by Romans, but Rome venerates him today.

However, if we are to believe bible accounts, Jesus was successful in death in his time, so his success aptly fitted. It was real success.

So, what is success? Real success is success that fits. It fits your life in all aspects. It fits physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, socially, and materially.

Let’s take family and success for instance. If you’re successful in business, the family should enjoy it. What if you have a broken marriage and you and your spouse have your own separate families? What happens to your original family? The business success often comes to nothing in this case. That’s not real success or success that fits.

Often meditate what is success to get is deeper meaning.

If you’re successful in health and fitness, the family should enjoy it. It’s a sorry thing to own a gym and have lots of people benefit from it, but your spouse is obese. Or, your gym gets lots of people fit, but your family is out of shape.

Success should fit all. What is success? Real success is success that fits.

May 25, 2009 - Posted by | health and success | , ,

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